GLAIVE: A Knave Hack & Collection of House Rules

The holidays have really been messing with my gaming. I thought I would take the time to organize my various house rules and combine them with Ben Milton’s (Questing Beast) incredible OSR game, Knave. These are rules for my home game only and where I have used or adapted rules from other games or creators I have linked to their work. To the best of my knowledge, the Non-Knave work is not covered by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

EDIT: I continue to update the source file here.

The text colors and table borders did not like translating to Blogger. Apologies for some of the wonky formatting.

KNAVE is a rules toolkit created by Ben Milton for running old school fantasy RPGs without classes. The GLAIVE hack brings in concepts from other compatible OSR RPGs and optional Talents. 

Adding, subtracting, and modifying rules is both expected and encouraged. Knave’s features include:

Abilities are king. All d20 rolls use the six standard abilities. The way that ability scores and bonuses work has also been cleaned up, rationalized, and made consistent with how other systems like armor work.

Optional player-facing rolls. Knave easily accommodates referees who want the players to do all the rolling. Switching between the traditional shared-rolling model and players-only rolling can be done effortlessly on the fly.

Optional Talents. Talents are a hybrid of class descriptors and the feats or perks found in many other games. The game is still classless, but Talents allow Players to define their Characters with more specificity than the contents of their pack.

Silver Standard. Glaive assumes that the common unit of currency is the silver penny. Replacing the word “gold” or “copper” with “silver” when using other OSR materials usually works just fine. Use the equipment list from your favorite OSR game. 

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: You are free to share and adapt this material for any purpose, including commercially, as long as you give attribution.

Designer commentary. The rules include designer comments explaining why each rule was written the way it was, to aid in hacking the game.

1 PCs have six abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each ability has two related values: a defense and a bonus. When creating a PC, roll 3d6 for each of their abilities, in order. The lowest of the three dice on each roll is that ability’s bonus. Add 10 to find its defense.

After you’ve finished rolling, you may optionally swap the scores of two abilities.

Example: You roll a 2, 2, and 6 for Strength. The lowest die is a 2, so your PC’s Strength has a bonus of +2 and a defense of 12. Repeat this process for the rest of the abilities.

Designer’s Note: “Ability defense” is Milton’s term for what is normally called ability scores. Knave/Glaive refers to them this way to make it clearer how they work during opposed saves, explained later. 

The rolling mechanic will make most abilities start at 11/+1. The bonus and defense of three abilities will rise by 1 point each time the PC gains a level, up to a maximum of 20/+10 by level 10. This puts everything on an intuitive ten point scale, and is intended to mirror the way that attack bonuses, hit dice, and saving throws in most OSR games increase by about one point per level.

2 PCs start with 2 days of rations and one weapon of their player’s choice. Roll on the Starting Gear tables on the following page to determine starting armor and equipment.

Designer’s Note:  Rolling for starting equipment dramatically speeds up the character creation process, which is important if you’re playing a high-lethality game like Knave. If you want to permit shopping for equipment, however, have players roll 3d6x20 to find their starting copper pieces. Note that spell books are not normally available to new PCs, but you could always add “random spellbook” to the Dungeoneering Gear table, or simply allow new PCs to roll a random spell in exchange for not starting with any armor.

PCs have a number of item slots equal to their Constitution defense, and items they carry must fit into the available slots. Most items take up one slot, but some take up more. Some small items can be bundled together into a single slot. Ask the referee if you are unsure. Carrying more items than you have slots for results in all Ability rolls being made with disadvantage.

Designer’s Note: Item slots make tracking encumbrance very fast and easy, which is important since resource management is an important aspect of the game. They also represent character customization slots, since what a Knave is carrying goes a long way towards determining their playstyle and role in the party.

Armor comes with an armor defense value. Note that value on your character sheet with its corresponding Armor bonus (always 10 less than the defense). If the PC is not wearing any armor, their armor defense is 11 and their armor bonus is +1.

Designer’s Note: “Armor defense” is essentially the same concept as armor class in most OSR games. It’s been renamed to emphasize the connection between the way it and ability defenses work. The armor bonus exists in order to allow combat to be run entirely player-facing, as explained in the combat section.

3 Roll 1d8+ Constitution bonus to determine your PC’s starting hit points. A PC’s healing rate is 1d8+ Constitution bonus. 

Designer’s Note: All hit dice are assumed to be d8s in Knave, for PCs, NPCs, and monsters. This simplifies the game and keeps things compatible with the stats in most OSR books. Referees who don’t want starting PCs to be too frail might want to allow starting HP to be rerolled if it is below 5 or consider starting with 8+ Charisma bonus.

4 Invent or roll the rest of your PC’s traits, such as their physique, face, skin, hair, clothing, virtue, vice, speech, background, and alignment, using the random tables on the following page. Choose a gender and a name for your PC, but don’t get too attached. It’s a dangerous world out there.

Designer’s Note: Randomizing most of a PC’s traits speeds up character creation, but it also has the effect of creating surprising, unique characters that most players wouldn’t think to invent or play. (Unfortunately I can’t import that table into Google Docs.)

5 Select an Ancestry from the table at the end of this document.

6 New Knaves begin play with two free Talents chosen from the lists below.

Each of the six abilities are used in different circumstances.

Strength: Used for melee attacks and saves requiring physical power, like lifting gates, bending bars, etc.

Dexterity: Used for saves requiring poise, speed, and reflexes, like dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc.

Constitution: Used for saves to resist poison, sickness, cold, etc. The Constitution bonus is added to healing rolls. A PC’s number of item slots is always equal to their Constitution defense.

Intelligence: Used for saves requiring concentration and precision, such as wielding magic, resisting magical effects, recalling lore, crafting objects, tinkering with machinery, picking pockets, etc.

Wisdom: Used for ranged attacks and saves requiring perception and intuition, such as tracking, navigating, searching for secret doors, detecting illusions, etc.

Charisma: Used for saves to persuade, deceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, etc. PCs may employ a number of henchmen equal to their Charisma bonus.

Designer’s Note:  In a system that relies so heavily on the six abilities, it’s important for each of them to play an important role, to discourage dump stats. Non-magical characters tend to dump the mental abilities, for example, so I increased their usefulness. 

PCs have a number of item slots equal to their Constitution defense. Most items, including spellbooks, potions, a day’s rations, light weapons, tools and so on take up 1 slot, but particularly heavy or bulky items like armor or medium to heavy weapons may take up more slots. Groups of small, identical items may be bundled into the same slot, at the referee’s discretion. 200 coins can fit in a slot. As a general guideline, a slot holds around 5 pounds of weight.

Designer’s Note: Using item slots makes encumbrance simple enough that players will be willing to track it. Slots are also the key to character customization, as a PC’s gear helps determine who they are. Raising Constitution, therefore, will probably be a priority for most characters.

If a character attempts something where the outcome is uncertain and failure has consequences, they make a saving throw, or “save”. To make a save, add the bonus of the relevant ability to a d20 roll. If the total is greater than 15, the character succeeds. If not, they fail.

Designer’s Note: Requiring saves to exceed 15 means that new PCs have around a 25% chance of success, while level 10 characters have around a 75% chance of success, since ability bonuses can get up to +10 by level 10. This reflects the general pattern found in the save mechanics of early D&D.

If the save is opposed by another character, then instead of aiming to exceed 15, the side doing the rolling must get a total greater than the opposing character’s relevant defense score in order to succeed. If they fail, the opposing side succeeds. This type of save is called an opposed save. Note that it doesn’t matter which side does the rolling, since the odds of success remain the same. 

Example: A wizard casts a fireball spell at a goblin, who gets a saving throw to avoid. This is resolved as an opposed save using the wizard’s Intelligence versus the goblin’s Dexterity. The goblin may roll plus their Dexterity bonus, hoping to exceed the wizard’s Intelligence defense or the wizard may roll plus their Intelligence bonus, hoping to exceed the goblin’s Dexterity defense.

Designer’s Note: An ability’s defense score is essentially its average roll. Requiring the rolling side to beat the opposing defense allows contests to be settled more quickly, eliminates the possibility of ties, and allows the game to be run with players doing all of the rolling if they so choose, since the odds of success are the same no matter which side rolls.

If there are situational factors that make a save significantly easier or harder, the referee may grant the roll advantage or disadvantage. If a roll has advantage, roll 2d20 and use the better of the two dice. If it has disadvantage, roll 2d20 and use the worse of the two dice.

Designer’s Note:  The referee is of course free to impose positive or negative modifiers rather than use the advantage system, but most players seem to enjoy it and it simplifies the math.

Roll Encounter Die.
Party Moves & Maps.
Enters Room, Listens, Searches.
Resolve Encounters
Distance, Surprise, Reaction, Resolve
Roll Usage Die For Light & Ammunition.
Turn Ends.

When the party moves into a new area or spends time on an exploration activity, roll the encounter die and interpret the results as follows.

Percept (clue, spoor)
Locality (context-dependent timer)
Exhaustion (rest or take penalties)
Lantern (roll usage die)
Torch (roll usage die)

When the PCs encounter an NPC whose reaction to the party is not obvious, roll 2d6 and consult the following table.

Hostile. Immediate attack.
Unfriendly. Possible attack. 
Friendly. Monster leaves or considers offers.
Helpful. Enthusiastic friendship.

Use a single target number for a given room, encounter, or combat. This target represents the average difficulty of everything in that encounter and boils it down to a single number. Use a d20 to note the TN. If something in an encounter is significantly easier or more challenging to deal with, adjust the TN of that creature by +3/-3. 

Designer’s Note: Having a single number that the entire table can see makes the game run faster and more smoothly. Hit the orc? Roll a 14. Pick the lock on the treasure chest? Target 14. Was the chest magically trapped? Adjust the Target by +1 to +3. In a linear dungeon this number would start low and rise with every new challenge, culminating in a “Boss fight”. A good dungeon is never linear.

At the start of an encounter roll 1d4 and place it on the table with the Encounter Die. In the number of rounds rolled something exciting happens, (more goblins, flood waters rise, the lantern goes out, etc.). Reroll the die and do so until the encounter ends. 

Designer’s Note: The escalation die is great for staggering waves of monsters, introducing a twist, and keeping a ticking clock on the Players and their actions.

INITIATIVE (The Black Hack)
At the start of every Round each Player rolls a Dexterity save for their Character. Those that succeed, take their Turn before their NPC opponents. They must then discuss as a group to decide their own order for individual Character actions. 

Designer’s Note: Those that fail their Dexterity save, act after their opponents. Rerolling initiative every round makes combat more dangerous, since it’s possible for one side to go twice in a row.

A PC can move from one range to an adjacent range and perform a single action on their turn. This action may be casting a spell, making a second move, making an attack, using a Talent, attempting a stunt, or any other action deemed reasonable by the referee.

Melee weapons can strike Close foes, but ranged weapons cannot be used if the shooting character is engaged in melee combat. To make an attack, roll a d20 and add the character’s Strength or Wisdom bonus, depending on whether they are using a melee or ranged weapon, respectively. If the attack total is greater than the defender’s armor defense, the attack hits. If not, the attack misses.

Alternatively, an attack roll can also be resolved by the defender rolling a d20 and adding their armor bonus, hoping to roll a total greater than the defense of the ability the attacker is using. If they succeed, the attack misses. If they fail, the attack hits.

Designer’s Note: In other words, attacks are resolved the same way as opposed saves, just using Armor in place of an ability.

On a hit, the attacker rolls their weapon’s damage die to determine how many Hit Points (HP) the defender loses. 

GLAIVE  uses four range bands for measuring relative positions of Characters, other Creatures, and things in the world. From nearest to farthest: Close, Nearby, Faraway, & Distant. 

A PC can move from one range to an adjacent range and perform a single action on their Turn or they can choose to move twice and do nothing else.
Hand-to-hand combat. Ranged weapons cannot be used. Most spells also unusable.
Ranged weapons, most spells, polearms with reach.
Ranged weapons and most spells.
Longbows, muskets, and siege weapons.

A Player may choose to soak a hit no matter how much damage it does by sacrificing their shield. Obviously, they must be wielding a shield at the time. 

Stunts are combat maneuvers such as stunning, shoving, disarming, tripping, sundering armor, and so on. They are resolved with a versus save. They may not cause damage directly, but may do so indirectly (for example, pushing an enemy off of a ledge). The referee is the final arbiter as to what stunts can be attempted in a given situation.

Characters can gain advantage in combat by attacking a target that is unaware, on lower ground, off balance, disarmed, distracted, or tactically disadvantaged in any significant way. The referee, as usual, has the final say.

When a character has advantage against an opponent on their combat turn, they may either A.) Apply advantage to their attack roll or stunt against that opponent or B.) Make an attack and a stunt attempt in the same round against that opponent, without advantage.

During an attack roll, if the attacker rolls a natural 20 or the defender rolls a natural 1, they take an additional d12 of damage (regardless of the weapon’s type). 

When a character reaches 0 HP, they are Out of Action. When the danger passes or the Player recieved aid roll on the Out of Action (OofA) Table.

KO’d -Just knocked out.
Fat Head -Disadvantage on all rolls for the next 3 Turns (30 min in-game time).
Cracked Bones - Disadvantage on all STR, DEX, and CON Tests for the remainder of the session.
Disfigured -CHA reduced by 1d4
Maimed -either STR, or DEX, is permanently reduced by 2.
Dead! -The Character dies!

Monsters and NPCs all have a morale rating, usually between 5 and 9. When they face more danger than they were expecting, the referee will make a morale roll by rolling 2d6 and comparing the result to the NPC’s morale rating. If the roll is higher than the rating, the NPC will attempt to flee, retreat, or parley. 

Morale rolls can be triggered by defeating half of an enemy group, defeating a group’s leader, or reducing a lone enemy to half HP. Other effects may trigger a morale roll at the referee’s discretion.

Hirelings also make morale rolls when they aren’t paid, their employer dies, or they face extraordinary danger. Morale may also be improved by paying hirelings more and treating them well.

After a meal and a full night’s rest, PCs regain lost hit points equal to a d8 plus their Constitution bonus. Resting at a safe haven restores all lost HP.

RESTFUL LUNCH (Skerples & Ten Foot Polemic)
You can consume a ration to heal 1d6 HP (or more for Meals). This takes ten minutes and involves generally chilling out, adjusting your bags, and pumping yourself up.

Taking the time to prepare a Meal heals even more, (d8+ Constitution bonus). Preparing a meal takes 1 hour minimum.

Designer’s Note: Constitution bonus is a big help when it comes to healing.

Did the party not pack enough food? Consider hunting and eating monsters. Monster Menu All.

Light Sources and Ammunition depletes according to die rolls. Each Turn, or when the appropriate Encounter Die result comes up, roll. If the result is less than four, use a lower die. If anything less than a four is rolled on a D4, the light source is depleted. 

Use these steps: D20 >D12 >D10 >D8 >D6 >D4 >gone.

A single quiver of arrows or case of bolts uses a d12 Usage Die.

10’r/Close. 10 per inventory slot.
30’r/Nearby. 3 flasks of oil per slot.
30’r/Nearby. 5 per inventory slot.
Flint and tinder requires 1D4 rounds to ignite a light source.

Light crossbows. Ignore 2 points of AC and take a round to reload.
Heavy crossbows. Ignore 4 points of AC and take two rounds to reload.

James Young’s excellent Unified House Rules Document. 

When a PC acquires 1000 XP they gain an Experience Level. PCs receive 1 XP per silver piece recovered from a dungeon, earned from a job, or stolen from some git who deserved it. They do not get XP for silver found or earned through honest means. 

Additionally they receive 50 XP for low-risk accomplishments, 100 XP for moderate-risk accomplishments, and 200 XP for high-risk accomplishments. The referee should freely notify the PCs of how much XP different objectives are worth when asked.

PCs can double-dip the XP they receive for silver by carousing, becoming philanthropists, etc. Details in the Unified House Rules Document linked above.

When a PC gains a level, they roll a number of d8s equal to their new level + Constitution bonus to find their new HP maximum. If the result is less than their previous maximum, their maximum HP increases by 2. They also raise the defense and bonus scores of 3 different Abilities of their choice by 1 point, or increase the defense and bonus scores of 2 Abilities and select a new Talent. Abilities may never be raised higher than 20/+10.

Example: A Player rolled 1 d8, resulting in 4 for their starting Hit Points, and added their +3 Constitution bonus, for a total of 7 starting HP. Upon reaching Level 2 the player rolls 2d8+3 (2 eight-sided dice plus their Constitution bonus). If the result is more than 7 this is their new Maximum HP. If the result is less than 7 their new Maximum HP is 8 (6+2).

A classless game in its original inception, these optional rules are intended to bring some character customization to Knave. At the cost of one ability score increase, a Player may choose a single talent from any of the categories below every time their Knave levels up. 

Designer’s Note:Though grouped by theme, players are encouraged to mix and match ideas to create their own unique characters. 

Some of these ideas are my own. Others are inspired by or adapted from other such lists in the OSR blog-o-sphere or adapted from D&D Feats. (The Man WIth The Hammer, Marshal BrengleBuildings Are People)

This list is in no way comprehensive. Players and Referees are encouraged to create their own Talents. 

Berzerker. When reduced to zero Hit Points but not killed outright, become frenzied and continue fighting for a number of turns equal to your Level. Attacks that hit cause maximum damage. You always attack the nearest creature whether friend or foe.
Great Weapon Fighter. Reroll damage less than 3 (not including STR bonus) when wielding a two-handed weapon. You must use the new roll, even if it is less than 3.
Favor of the Gods (requires Berzerker). 11+ CHA bonus is your Armor Defense when you wear no other armor. May wield a shield.
Savage Fighter. When you strike and kill a foe in melee combat immediately make another attack on an additional adjacent foe. 

Banish. Force up to 1d6+WIS+Lvl worth of undead to make a morale check. Apply a negative modifier equal to your WIS+Lvl bonus to the check. If you have more HD than the undead, any who fail the morale check are destroyed.
Hammer of The Gods. Grant advantage to any morale checks your retainers/hirlings/acolytes/allies make as your below a holy litany and lay waste with your warhammer.
Hospitaller. Out of combat and with a healer’s kit/proper herbs you can heal a target for 1d6+WIS+Lvl hit points. <See foraging/using herbs for Cleric abilities.>
Keeper of Relics. You have been entrusted with the safekeeping of 3 holy relics. You may pray over each relic once per day  to cast Cleric spells.
Witch Hunter. You can smell the foul taint of sorcerers, warlocks and evil clerics. You are able to track them as a Ranger tracks a dangerous animal.
Forest Walker (requires The Old Tongue). You gain the ability to leave mystical messages on trees, rocks, ponds, or any natural object. Only others with the Forest Walker knack can read these messages and you must communicate with mental images rather than written words or runes.
The Old Tongue. You speak the secret language of rocks, trees, and animals. You have advantage on reaction rolls when speaking to an animal, copse of trees, mushroom colony, or mountain for the first time. 
Skin Walker. Using a fetish or totem, take on the form and abilities of a natural beast that you are familiar with. Demons, elementals, aberrations, etc. do not count. The beast may be up to 1HD level greater than you. The effects last for one game Turn per Lvl. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your Lvl. Fetishes must be mystically recharged with ritual, sacrifice, and material components. Fetishes typically occupy one inventory slot each. Larger creatures require multiple slots -Referee’s discretion.

Arcane Researcher.  You have a nose for research. You have advantage on saves to discover hidden secrets in tombs, scrolls, and manuscripts.
Familiar. Gain a mystical cat (darkvision) , mouse (burrow), sparrow (fly), squirrel (climb) or toad (swim) companion with Level HP. You can communicate with it telepathically as long as you can see it. If it dies it can be re-summoned spending a night’s work.
Scholar of The Unseen University. You begin the next session with 3 spellbooks. Determine the spells randomly or with the help of your Referee. 
Sword Wizard. You can cast spells while wielding a weapon in one or both of your hands. You still need to have the spell book and components in your inventory.
The Manifold Cerebrum. You have trained your mind to retain the pattern of a spell once you have cast it. After a spell has been cast and its effects applied, make an INT save. If you pass you may cast the spell again that day. If you have already recovered it that day, make the save with disadvantage. Lost spells are replenished the next day as usual.
The Thrice Divided Intellect. You have advantage on saves vs magical attacks/effects that affect your mind and sense.
Eldritch Feast. You have consumed the essence of a spell which you may cast once per day. No spell book/inventory slot is required. The effort of containing raw magic within your physical body manifests in some strange and possibly upsetting way. You may take this Talent once per Level. (Reskin as Patron Domains for Clerics.)

Beast Companion. No.
Hunter’s Mark. As a free action, mark your target as living on borrowed time. You have advantage on your next attack against them. You may apply this mark a number of times per day equal to your Level.
Sharpshooter. Note the crosswind and lead your target. Reroll a ranged attack. You must accept the new roll. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your Level.
Survivalist. You thrive in the Wilds protecting the realm from the horrors that lurk in dark wood and deep cave. You have advantage on saves to track, navigate, hunt, and forage in the wilderness.
Trick-Shot (requires Sharpshooter). Targets only receive ½ of their normal cover bonus. When you shoot into melee enemy combatants count as two combatants for the purposes of randomly determining who you hit.
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you hit a foe while wielding two weapons, roll damage for both and apply the higher.

Acrobat. You gain advantage on saves to balance, climb, leap, and tumble.
Thief. You gain advantage on saves to hide in shadows, move silently, and pick locks assuming you have the proper tools.
Backstab! When you attack a foe with a melee weapon who is already engaged by an ally inflict an addition 1d6/Lvl damage. You attack with advantage if you attack from hiding.
Devil’s Luck. Reroll a Critical Fail or force a foe to reroll a Critical Success. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your Level.
Dungeoneer. You have advantage on saves to spot/disable traps, find hidden doors, and to navigate in dungeons. 
Hard to Hit. Once per round you can reduce damage taken by your DEX bonus, if you can see its source.

Dogged March. You have advantage on saves to resist fatigue. Armor occupies two fewer inventory slots for you. 
Girded Loins. You have advantage on saves made to resist fear effects and intimidation.
Hack-n-Slash! You have a pool of damage dice (d6s) equal to your HD. When making an attack apply any number of these dice to any number of Nearby foes. Roll to hit for each die. Apply damage if you are successful. You regain the dice at the start of your next turn.
Riposte. When a creature hits you with an attack, make an immediate counter-attack. This does not cost you your normal Action.
Shield Bash. When wielding a shield make a second attack each round. If the attack is successful inflict damage equal to your Level and you have advantage on your next attack against that foe.
Shield Master (requires Shield Bash). When an effect allows a DEX Save for ½ damage take no damage if you save -your shield absorbs the blow.
Slings & Spears. When an ally is hit, you may choose to take the damage for them. You must be wielding a shield. Not possible against mental attacks.STR save for ½ damage.

Alter Ego. Choose a second persona of your same Ancestry, regardless of features, sex and age. You can shapeshift to that persona a number of hours equal your CHA bonus per day.
Devil's Contract. If someone makes a bargain with you and breaks it you instantly know about it. If you have their signature on the bargain you know how to locate them by general location (North, East, up down, etc.)
Familiar. You gain a mouthless humanoid, magically created with mud and sticks. d8 + Level HP. Doesn't eat or drink, but needs to breathe. Follows all your commands, although it's extremely incompetent in combat. You can resummon your familiar 1/day.
Hint/Jinx. Once per turn make a CHA save when another creature you can see attempts an action that requires a d20 roll. On success, add(hint)/subtract(jinx) your CHA bonus to the roll. On a failure, you lose Level# HP. You do this after learning the roll, but before knowing the outcome.
Read Leaves. Assuming you have water, a pot, and tea, you can spend 1 turn every morning performing this ritual. Roll two d20s and store the numbers. You can replace a result on a d20 from a creature you can see (yourself, allies, or foes) once that day with one of the stored numbers. You do this after learning the roll, but before knowing the outcome.
Spell Eater. 1/day when a spell is targeted at you, you negate the spell's effects. Make a CHA save. On success, you absorb the spell and can cast it once as if it were your own. On a fail you need to eat double the rations for one day. You can only have one eaten spell at any time.

Dwarf. Low light vision, advantage on saves to resist poison and disease, +5 Inventory slots.
Elf. Low light vision, advantage on saves to be stealthy, resist being charmed, and see through illusions.
Halfling. Begin play with the Devil’s Luck Talent. You are always ignored in favor of a larger target in combat until your first attack.
Half-Orc. Low light vision, advantage on saves to be intimidating, begin play w/the Berzerker knack.
Human. +1 to any Ability Score. Swap any two pairs of Ability Scores.
Tortle. Shell as chain+helmet -does not require inventory slots. Hold breath for up to 1 hour, advantage on swim checks.


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